Nathalie Rodriguez

Nathalie Rodriguez

Nathalie is the daughter of a Colombian mom and Venezuelan dad, born in New York and raised in Hialeah, FL.Full Bio


Women Say the Sexiest Job For Men Is . . . Accountant. Wait, What?

Either lots of women got really TURNED ON by their tax refunds this year or the world has become even stranger than we thought.

A new survey had women rank the SEXIEST JOBS for men.  And the number one answer is . . . accountant.  It got 21% of the vote.

Here are the nine sexiest jobs for men:  Accountant . . . CEO . . . doctor . . . lawyer . . . construction worker . . . firefighter . . . I.T. worker . . . gardener . . . and police officer.  (They did a top nine, because the 10th answer was "other.")

The survey also found the four least sexy jobs:  Garbage man . . . customer service worker . . . deliveryman . . . and postal worker. 

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