Jennifer Lopez Teases RITMO Remix Video for Tonight!

Late last night Jennifer Lopez teased her fans with a text of herself in a sexy blue leotard and the message

Hey baby! Here’s a little tease for something exciting coming tomorrow. Are you ready?! ✨💕🎶💕✨

You can take a look at the text as it came into my phone around 11p last night. I was sooooo excited cause I was hoping for new music. I mean.... who doesn't want a new JLo song?

But, no such luck, although the news is almost as exciting as new music. Apparently last night's text was building up to a new video of a song we're already loving.

Just moments ago Lopez took to Instagram to tease us once again with a short clip of the RITMO remix video which she also said is going to drop tonight.

The video looks HOT HOT HOT; just like everything else she does.

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