Chrissy Metz in "Repurposed" Dress at #BreakthroughMovie Premier

Walking a red carpet and being at a premier for one of your own films are such huge days for any actor. For women, there is so much attention on what is worn, what designer, the jewelry etc, that there's so much pressure on not repeating dresses and who wore it best... It's cray cray!

I absolutely loved Chrissy Metz sharing the way she re-purposed her dress from the Billboards for the premiere of her new movie Breakthrough. It’s a Tanya Taylor dress that she switched up for the premier by taking off the sleeves and adding a sheer black net.

She looked amazing!

I loved the practicality of it and how incredibly different the dress looked with such a small adjustment!

I’ve watched the movie a few times. Once before hosting the Q&A at the private Miami premier, again at the actual premier, and another time afterwards. I love it…

It hits theaters on the 17th. Bring a tissue box!

Before you head to the theaters, check out Chrissy Metz, DeVonFranklin and Marcel Ruiz on my #CHATSwithGiGi podcast talking about the film and what it took to bring it together.

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