5 Ways to Improve Your Morning

All successful men and women out there will tell you that the way you start your day, those first few moments you have in the morning, make all the difference. Here are five simple tips you can apply right away that will kickstart your morning the right way. 

Skip The Coffee

Before you lose it, just read on.  Having warm water with fresh squeezed lemon as soon as you wake up (on an empty stomach) will jump start your system with natural energy, vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidants. Wait about half an hour before eating or drinking anything else and use that time for tip number two!

Get Sweaty 

There are endless apps that provide 15-30min work out options you can do in your own living room. Or just go outside for a jog. The point is, get your body moving before you start your day. This way it doesn't matter how busy you get later on, you already took care of your work out. 

girl doing exercises of yoga on mat at home

Eat Breakfast

You've heard it and read it dozens of times. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It's true, so don't skip it. If you need to, prepare for it the night before. Set aside some fruit, make some overnight oats with berries and greek yogurt, boil your eggs ahead of time. You know what you like, make it happen. 


You're better off starting your morning with a chapter of a book, 10-minute meditation or crossword game than with social media updates and work emails. Give yourself the morning, you'll be on your computer and phone the rest of the day. By allowing yourself those first moments of your day you're more likely to be focused during the remainder of your day. 

Set Goals

Another great way to spend your unplugging time is to set goals for the day. This isn't your To Do list as that can spread over the course of a week or even a month depending on what's on it. This is a set of goals you will definitely accomplish this day. This is a great way to feel accomplished at the end of the day and to scratch off that long list of to do's with the least amount of delay. 

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